In my view Nazis are people who look for untermenschen as the guide to their political action.
Untermensch (German for under man, sub-man, sub-human; plural: Untermenschen) is a term fromNazi racial ideology used to describe "inferior people", especially "the masses from the East," that isJews, Gypsies, Slavs, and anyone else who was not an "Aryan" according to the contemporary Nazi race terminology. The German word Mensch literally means person.
Nowadays muslims are commonly the principal victims in the UK, often being victimised as though they were islamo-fascists, but blacks, gays and others are commonly treated as inferior in a similar way.
The BNP's central thrust is to divide people in this way, they are nazis, as are some members of other right wing parties, including some bloggers and posters on the Dully Tele.