Sunday, 9 August 2009

Islamophobes and imaginative empire building.

Interesting BBC radio 4 prog "News, More or Less" on the lies told by nazis of various kinds about muslim numbers in the UK, and European countries. There's a YouTube vid purporting to be from a muslim country saying that they will be ruling Europe by sheer weight of numbers within a couple of decades.

Leaving the bogus stats aside it has been found that the birthrates of immigrant populations tend towards the birthrates of the indigenous populations. So incoming muslims will have fewer children as they "acclimatise", which makes sense, for the motivations in truth are in part to have enough children to look after their parents in old age, and to continue the line, which are likely with fewer children in a healthier society with lower perinatal and infant mortality rates particularly.

I recall an argument with a young muslim from the Somali diaspora in Canada on C i F a couple of years ago.
He actually believed that they would be more fecund and potent than non muslims because of their mental agility as I understood it. This is the sort of nonsense which underpins the thoughts of Islamo-fascists, thoguh it is far more widespread than that.

Hokum, just as the claim that muslims here are all the same. Anyone who has known a few knows that, for example, they vary from those who attend mosque several times a day, to those who don't know where the local mosque is.

Objectifying all muslims like that is just nazi talk for a category of untermenschen.